Modern Gradient Descent Algorithms

This is a concise summary of recent developments in gradient descent algorithms. The algorithms we discuss are mostly used for problems that (1) require a large amount of data for gradient calculation (e.g., for machine learning and optimal control), (2) cannot afford Hessian calculation, and (3) cannot afford line search. This introduction is based on Sebastian Ruder’s post on the same topic.

Table of Contents

  1. Stochastic gradient descent
  2. Momentum and Nestrov accelerated gradient
  3. AdaDelta and RMSprop
  4. Adam and beyond

Stochastic Gradient Descent

Consider problems of the type \(\min_{\theta} F(\theta) \doteq \sum_{i=1}^N f_i(x_i,\theta)\) where \(\theta\) are the variables, \(f_i\) is a loss function for the \(i\)th scenario with parameters \(x_i\). In control, \(f_i\) may represent the difference between a target system state \(x_i\) and the actual state governed by parameters \(\theta\) of a controller; in parameter estimation (system identification), \(f_i\) represents the difference between the observation \(x_i\) and a model parameterized by \(\theta\). To find the best \(\theta\), we will calculate the gradient \(\nabla_{\theta} F = \sum_{i=1}^N \nabla_{\theta} f_i\). Notice that this calculation requires all \(N\) data points, where \(N\) could be a large number or ever growing. This makes gradient descent computationally inefficient, since each iteration of the descent requires recalculation of \(\nabla_{\theta} f_i\) even though the gradients do not change much when the step size is small.

Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) is a solution to this issue. In the mini-batch mode, each iteration of SGD updates \(\theta\) based on only a small batch of \(f_i\): \(\theta_{k+1} = \theta_k - \eta \sum_{i=j}^{j+t} \nabla_{\theta} f_i\), where \(j\) is a random index, \(t\) is the mini-batch size, and \(\eta\) is a learning rate (step size).

Unlike gradient descent with line search, SGD does not necessarily decrease function value as it only uses part of the gradient information to take a step. However, it does move towards a local solution in a long run with much less cost than gradient descent. Note that tuning the learning rate is critical: a large \(\eta\) may create a divergent sequence of solutions or lead to early convergence towards non-optimal solutions; while a small \(\eta\) may cause slow convergence. In the following sections, we introduce algorithms that attempt to address this issue of a vanilla SGD.

Momentum and Nestrov Accelerated Gradient


The momentum method address the oscillation issue of SGD (and gradient descent) when the objective has large condition number (largest eigenvalue of its Hessian divided by smallest eigenvalue). It has the following update scheme: \(\theta_{k+1} = \theta_k - v_t\) and \(v_t = \gamma v_{t-1} + \eta \nabla_{\theta} F\).

If one considers gradient descent as a proportional controller, then the Momentum method is similar to a discrete-time integral controller: It is good at correcting persistent error, and thus has better performance at addressing ill-conditioned problems than gradient descent. See this paper on the connection between PID and momentum.

Nestrov Accelerated Gradient

Notice that a pure integral controller will diverge from the equilibrium due to the momentum. Thus we need an algorithm that slows down when the solution approaches the equilibrium. Thus comes NAG.

The idea is this: We know that we will use our momentum term \(\gamma v_{t-1}\) to move the parameters \(\theta\). Thus \(\theta_k-\gamma v_{t-1}\) gives an approximation of the next position of the parameters. We can calculate the gradient not with respect to the current parameters \(\theta_k\) but this approximated future position. This leads to the update:

\(\theta_{k+1} = \theta_k - v_t\) and \(v_t = \gamma v_{t-1} + \eta \nabla_{\theta} F(\theta_k-\gamma v_{t-1})\).

AdaDelta and RMSprop

AdaGrad (paper)

When using SGD on a sparse set of data (i.e., data that allows you to improve in one direction or another, but not all together), the improvement in each dimension will be uneven. To address this issue, we would like an algorithm that makes more aggressive moves in directions that haven’t been improved much, and less in those that have been updated frequently. AdaDelta and RMSprop do this.

Before talking about AdaDelta or RMSprop algorithms, we shall introduce AdaGrad first. The AdaGrade update rule is given by the following formula:

\[G^{k} = G^{k-1} + \nabla J(\theta ^{k-1})^{2},\]


\[\theta ^{k} = \theta ^{k-1} - \frac{\alpha}{\sqrt{G^{k-1}}}\cdot \nabla J(\theta ^{k-1}).\]

Here \(G\) is the historical gradient information. For each parameter we store sum of squares of its all historical gradients, which is to be used to scale the learning rate in later calculation. Unlike SGD, the learning rate of AdaGrad is different for each of the parameters. The parameter value will be larger if the historical gradients were smaller and vice versa.

Notice that in AdaGrade, the learning rates keep decreasing and will finally approach zero, which is problematic. This issue is resolved in AdaDelta and RMSprop.


RMSprop uses a decay on the accumulated historical gradients. The update rule is shown as the following steps:

\[E[g^2]_{t} = \rho E[g^2]_{t-1} + (1-\rho) g_t^2\] \[\Delta \theta_{t}=-\frac{\eta}{\sqrt{E[g^{2}]_{t} + \epsilon}}g_{t}\] \[\theta_{t+1} = \theta_{t} + \Delta \theta_t\]

\(\rho\) is a decay constant and \(\epsilon\) is for numerical stability (usually very small number).

AdaDelta (paper)

Adadelta is similar to RMSprop in both formulation and performance. It takes the following form:

Let \(RMS[\Delta \theta]_t = \sqrt{E[\Delta \theta^2]_t + \epsilon}\), define \(\Delta \theta_t = -\frac{RMS[\Delta \theta]_{t-1}}{RMS[\Delta \theta]_t}g_t\). Then the update is \(\theta_{t+1}= \theta_{t} + \Delta \theta_{t}\).

Adam and beyond

Adam (paper)

Adam is another optimization algorithm that has be widely used in neural network community. It is similar to AdaGrad, but with adaptive parameters choice. The updating rule for Adam is determined based on estimation of first (mean) and second-order moments of the historical gradients. Thus Adam combines the benefits of AdaDelta/RMSprop and Momentum methods.

Adam update rule consists of the following steps:

\[m_t=\beta_1 m_{t-1} + (1-\beta_1)g_t\] \[v_t=\beta_2 v_{t-1} + (1-\beta_2)g_{t}^{2}\] \[\hat{m}_t = \frac{m_t}{1-\beta^{t}_{1}}\] \[\hat{v}_t=\frac{v_t}{1-\beta^{t}_2}\] \[\theta_t = \theta_{t-1}-\alpha \frac{\hat{m}_t}{\sqrt{\hat{v}_t}+\epsilon}\]

Other algorithms

There are more advanced algorithms appearing from time to time, ex. AdaMax, replacing the second order moment \(v_0\) with an infinite-order moment to make the process more stable; Nadam, combining Adam and NAG together.