Problem 1-3

See solutions 2-4.

Problem 4

Following the discussion in class, we first get the bending moment function

\[M(x) = -Fl+Fx\]

Consider changing cross-sections

\[M/I = -\frac{Fl}{I_1} + \frac{Fx}{I_1} + (\frac{F}{I_2}-\frac{F}{I_1})<x-l/2>^1 + (-\frac{Fl}{2I_2}+\frac{Fl}{2I_1})<x-l/2>^0\]

With two integrations and using the conditions \(\theta(0) = 0\) and \(y(0)=0\), we get

\(y(l) = -\frac{Fl^3}{24}(1/I_2 + 7/I_1)\) or \(y(l) \propto 1/I_2 + 7/I_1\)

Notice that \(I \propto r^4\) where \(r\) is the radius of the circular cross-section, and that \(r_1^2 + r_2^2 = C\) where \(C\) is a constant, we get

\(y(l) \propto (C-a)^{-2} + 7a^{-2}\), where \(a = r_1^2\). Thus \(y(l)\) reaches the minimal deflection when \(a = \frac{C (7^{1/3})}{1+(7^{1/3})}\).