A Tutorial on Curve Fitting

As you have seen through the class, curve fitting happens all the time through the development of engineering knowledge, due to the fact that we often have the ability to observe things before we understand them. Thus curve fitting almost always indicate a sub-optimal solution due to the lack of more rigorous methodology or time. But since engineering design is so complicated, it becomes a regular part of engineers’ thinking.

In this tutorial, I will first go through the very basic techniques of curve fitting, which you may have already learned through Excel or Matlab. I will then talk about more broadly the issue of curve fitting. The purpose is for you to understand that when people talk about machine learning and AI, they are often talking about “curve fitting”.

You may also want to check my slides on this topic and the enormous amount of tutorials online. The fancy keywords are “regression”, “supervised learning”, “meta-modeling”.

Let’s define “curve fitting”

Curve fitting, or formally supervised learning, deals with labeled data \(\mathcal{D} = [{\bf x}_1,{\bf y}_1,{\bf x}_2,{\bf y}_2,\cdots]\) where \({\bf x}\) is the input and \({\bf y}\) the output (or the label). For example, the inputs can be Trump’s tweets and the outputs the stock market performance right after that; or the inputs material microstructures and the outputs their fracture strength; or the inputs camera images and the outputs recognitions of objects within the images; or the inputs graphical representations of chemical compounds and the outputs the survival rate of test specimens; or …this can go on forever.

In its simplest setting, supervised learning deals with scalar or vectorial inputs and scalar outputs. The goal is to fit a curve (for 1D input) or a surface (for 2D input) or a hypersurface (for nD input) to the data so that when a new input is given, we can find an accurate prediction of the corresponding output from the curve or surface or hypersurface. Often the question is: Do I use a straight line to fit or some kind of curve? How do I decide? An important concept to learn here is the Occam’s razor. To put this into context, the prediction accuracy of your curve goes up when the curve fit well with the data, but also goes down if your curve is too wavy. In other words, you want to find a curve (e.g., a polynomial function of a certain degree) that fits through most of the data points (no under-fitting) but do not overfit. Common approaches to this include information criteria (check AIC and BIC) and cross-validation.

How do you do curve fitting in Matlab?

Let’s now talk about how to actually do curve fitting without going deeper into the theory.

Curve fitting with scalar input

In Matlab, this can be done using the polyfit() function when the input is scalar. Required inputs are the sampled input and output data, and the degree of the desired polynomial. The output is a \(n+1\) length vector describing the polynomial coefficients where \(n\) is the degree of the polynomial.

After finding the polynomial coefficients, its easiest to use the polyval() function to evaluate the polynomial at the desired \({\bf x}\) values. This can be more explicitly represented as: y = p(1).*x.^n + p(2).*x.^(n-1) + ... + p(n).*x + p(n+1).

An example in use is below along with visualization of over-fitting and under-fitting:

x = [0.0426 0.1210 0.1555 0.2661 0.3629 0.4551 0.5703 0.6924 0.7846 0.8583];
y = [0.1006 0.2464 0.3834 0.5525 0.7274 0.7070 0.5671 0.5816 0.5525 0.5962];

p = polyfit(x,y,degree);

x_fit = 0:0.01:1;
y_fit = polyval(p,x_fit);

figure; hold on;


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Curve fitting with vectorial input

Often times your inputs are vectors (e.g., images, structures, texts, audios, etc.). The Matlab curve fitting toolbox has a whole bunch of tools for fitting vectorial inputs to scalar (or vectorial) outputs. If the toolbox is not free to you, I highly recommend sk-learn as a free and better alternative. Sk-learn is very well documented and has plenty of examples for you to follow.

Without going too much into the software details, I want to summarize a few important categories of curve fitting models that are often used in engineering, with their pros and cons. You will need to find their implementations either from Matlab, or sk-learn, or other places.

From curve fitting to real engineering challenges

There are several reasons why curve fitting is a good idea for solving engineering problems (while not necessarily the best idea). I will summarize with the following:


What’s difficult?

I will end with a brief discussion on what is currently wrong with curve fitting, and particularly their applications to engineering domains. Overall, as we move from scenarios with simple data and simple models (e.g., linear models and kernel machines) to those with high-dimensional data and complex models (e.g., neural networks), we loose the capability to tell when things will go wrong. In fact, things are going wrong. For example, we now know that vision systems on autonomous cars can be attacked to recognize stop signs as speed limit signs (search adversial attack to see most recent developments in this direction). One can imaging that when we use complex “curves” to fit engineering data, things can also go wrong, i.e., an engineering design optimized by a machine based on a predictive model can be totally crap. The key issue is that our current knowledge about curve fitting does not lead to knowledge transfer of a machine, i.e., a machine cannot do extrapolation or even interpolation well with the data presented. See this lecture from Yann Lecun on this broadly existing issue.