Solving ODEs in Matlab

MATLAB’s ode45() solver makes solving ODEs numerically fairly simple. This function uses the Runge-Kutta (4,5) algorithm.
Required inputs are the ODE in question, the time-span vector to solve it for, and an initial condition (more option are available in the MATLAB documentation).
Outputs are the time vector and solution matrix.

To start, define an explicit first-order ODE in the form:

x_dot = f(x)

This function can be described in MATLAB as:

function [x_dot] = myfunc(t,x)

x_dot = f(x); % write out your function f here


Note that the first argument of myfunc is time. If your function does not take time explicitly, you will still need to put a placeholder there.

After your function is declared, choose a time-span and an initial condition and call the function as follows:

tspan = [tstart tend];
x0 = % put your nx1 matrix here

[tout,xout] = ode45(@myfunc,tspan,x0);

By default, ode45 will give the solved states of x. If your output function is y = Cx consisting of p outputs, you will have to manually find an output using the following code:

C = % put your nxp matrix here
y = C*xout;