Changhoon presented his work on generative model attribution at ICLR2021
Title: Decentralized Attribution of Generative Models
Abstract: Growing applications of generative models have led to new threats such as malicious personation and digital copyright infringement. One solution to these threats is model attribution, i.e., the identification of user-end models where the contents under question are generated from. Existing studies showed empirical feasibility of attribution through a centralized classifier trained on all user-end models. However, this approach is not scalable in reality as the number of models ever grows. Neither does it provide an attributability guarantee. To this end, this paper studies decentralized attribution, which relies on binary classifiers associated with each user-end model. Each binary classifier is parameterized by a user-specific key and distinguishes its associated model distribution from the authentic data distribution. We develop sufficient conditions of the keys that guarantee an attributability lower bound. Our method is validated on MNIST, CelebA, and FFHQ datasets. We also examine the trade-off between generation quality and robustness of attribution against adversarial post-processes.
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