Marketing - Qualtrics and Discrete Choice Analysis (DCA) Tutorial

by Max Yi Ren

I wrote this tutorial under the situation that (1) ASU only support Qualtrics as its survey provider and (2) at the moment of writing, Qualtrics does not have discrete choice functionalities. Please check other software/service that provide such functionalities before you choose this option.

The tutorial will have two parts: We first introduce a script that automatically generates a Qualtrics survey (only the DCA portion) for given attributes and attribute levels. We then introduce an analysis script based on Dr. Kenneth Train’s mixed logit code (requires MATLAB), that outputs the part-worth distributions of the attributes (for linear terms) and levels (for nonlinear terms).

All codes used in this tutorial can be downloaded here.

Product Attributes, Levels, and Part-worths

Attributes are properties of the product that directly affect the purchase decision of consumers, e.g., price, MPG, acceleration, safety for a car. Note that in conventional marketing research, attributes are only restricted to quantifiable properties. My recent research in preference learning has extended to “complex attributes” that are not directly quantifiable, e.g., aesthetics. See this.

Levels of an attribute could be continuous, discrete, or categorical, e.g., price levels are continuous in nature, safety ratings are discrete (ordinal), while engine type (hybrid or gasoline) is categorical.

Part-worths represent the sensitivity of one’s preference to each attribute level. This is under the assumption that the preference ($u$) is a linear function of all levels: \(u({\bf x}) = \beta_{11} x_{11} + \beta_{21} x_{21} + \cdots\), where $\beta_{ij}$ is the part-worth for the $j$th level of the $i$th attribute.

Note that the above formulation assigns each level an individual part-worth, thus it models the nonlinear preference for each attribute. This is not always necessary if we know that a linear trend exists for certain attributes. For example, if we assume that people get happier linearly along lowered price, then we can use $\beta_{\text{price}}\text{Price}$.

Survey creation

Generation of a DCA survey

We will use “generate_survey.m” here. This script allows you can set up the attributes and levels that you believe your consumer group cares about. To do so, simply modify the attributes and levels variables in the following:

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Enter survey settings %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
attributes = ***;
levels = ***;
number_questions = 10; % MAE540: Do not change
number_alternatives = 2; % MAE540: Do not change
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Enter survey settings %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

The number of questions and the number of alternatives are fixed, i.e., you will have a survey with 10 pairwise comparison questions. Note that the survey won’t work properly if you add new pairwise comparison blocks by copying from these existing ones in Qualtrics.

Testing the survey

Once you set up the survey, and before you launch it, please preview the survey to make sure it flows well and is free of bugs. To do so, simply click the Preview Survey button.

Launch the survey

Once the survey is all set, you can launch it by email or through an anonymous link. You can find these choices under the Distributions tab.

Download the data

You can download the currently stored data any time during the launch. To do so, go to the “Data & Analysis” tab and choose Export & Import->Export Data->Export Data with Legacy Format. Note that choosing “Download Data Table” will also work but the resulting csv file will have a slightly different format and you will need to modify the analysis code to accommodate this.

Data analysis

Preprocess the data

The first thing we need to do is to remove all unnecessary information from the downloaded csv file. Once done, your file should have rows that look like the following:

choice to question 1 (this should be either 1 or 2) product1_attribute1_level product1_attribute2_level product2_attribute1_level

To explain,

Specify the preference model

We will use “analysis.m” for setting up the model and conducting analysis.

First, make sure that the attributes and levels in this code are set to be consistent with the survey.

Now we need to look at how many part-worths to include in the preference (or called utility) model. In the worst case, one would need to assign part-worths to every attribute level, if every attribute contributes nonlinearly to the preference. However, using a lot of attributes and/or levels while the number of participants is small could lead to a model with high uncertainty. The rule of thumb is to avoid having more part-worths than the amount of pairwise choice responses you collected. In the case of a small amount of responses, we would try to simplify the preference model. For example, as mentioned above, it is often reasonable to consider that price has a linear (and negative) impact on human choice making, i.e., more expensive products attract less people, given all other attributes the same. Thus we only need one part-worth for price to model consumers’ sensitivity to price.

The preference model can be set up by the following lines in the code:

x = [x(:,1:5)*[15000,25000,35000,45000,55000]'/10000,x(:,6:8),...
number_features = size(x,2);

Here $x$ is the data matrix containing all alternatives shown during the survey. Columns represent attributes. The above code turns binary codings of price, MPG, acceleration, and range into real-valued ones, so as to reduce the number of part-worths to estimate, assuming that consumers’ preference change linearly with respect to these attributes.

Accordingly, one will also need to change the following line (see the following explanation on random and fixed coefficients as well):

NAMES = {'Price';'US';'European';'Asian';'MPG';'3 Stars';'4 Stars';'5 Stars';...
    '0-60 Acc';'Gasoline';'Hybrid';'EV';'Range'};

This line specifies the name tags for each part-worth. As you can see, for linear attributes, such as Price, the tag is on the attribute itself, while for nonlinear ones, such as Make, we will need to specify the levels as each one of them has a part-worth.

Create a mixed logit model

Some other details can be fine-tuned.

Random Coefficients are the subset of part-worths that you assume will be different for each participant. The algorithm will provide a population-level estimate of these part-worths and also the individual-level ones. This allows you to identify clusters of consumer groups and potentially design a product family for each group. To set up random coefficients, change the following line:

IDV = [3+(1:number_features)',ones(number_features,1)];

Here IDV is a matrix with 2 columns. The first is for part-worth IDs, while the second for their corresponding model distributions. You can use “normal” if the coefficient can be either positive or negative (i.e., some people like it one way and others the opposite). Or you can use “lognormal” (or “truncated normal”) if the coefficient should always be positive (e.g., people always prefer lower price, or equivalently, the coefficient on the negative price should always be positive).

Fixed coefficients are shared part-worths across the population.

Covariance of random coefficients can be enabled by the following line:


When set to 1, the algorithm will estimate the covariance matrix of the random coefficients, i.e., to figure out how one’s preference on one attribute (or level) goes along with another. When set to 0, we assume that each random coefficient is drawn independently from their own distributions, i.e., the covariance matrix is diagonal.

Report your results

Once you finish running the algorithm, you will see a report in the console regarding the population-level part-worth estimates.

                            Mean      StdDev     Share<0    Share=0
Price      normal        -44.1162    35.0456     0.9005     0.0000
US         normal          4.5242     3.0156     0.0675     0.0000
European   normal        -10.6381     3.3212     0.9995     0.0000
Asian      normal        -16.4397     6.0171     0.9955     0.0000
MPG        normal          4.3942    18.6809     0.4010     0.0000
3 Stars    normal          4.7563     1.5386     0.0005     0.0000
4 Stars    normal          9.8865     3.5058     0.0025     0.0000
5 Stars    normal         76.0481     9.7685     0.0000     0.0000
0-60 Acc   normal         -1.9035     3.8505     0.6955     0.0000
Gasoline   normal         10.4817     1.4848     0.0000     0.0000
Hybrid     normal         10.6684     3.1326     0.0000     0.0000
EV         normal         18.4972    29.3292     0.2635     0.0000
Range      normal         20.6140    27.1308     0.2265     0.0000

You can also find the individual level estimates from the variable “cmeans”.