Design Methodology Overview

by Max Yi Ren

Activity 1: Introduce the problems your want to address

As we have started thinking about real-world problems that could be addressed in this project, it is a good time to share our ideas and collect feedback from others.

For the team who presents the problem and potential solutions, please provide the following information

Also see The Heilmeier Catechism.

For other teams, please criticize from the following perspectives:

Also watch Tony Fadell’s TED talk: The first secret of great design

Activity 2: Create a persona

A Persona is a description of a character that the product will be designed for. A Persona represents:

What is the persona of your users?

Activity 3: Think out of the box

  1. Double check your assumptions: You have nine dots. Draw four continuous straight lines passing through each of the nine dots, but DO NOT pass a dot twice, retrace a line, or lift your pen. Drawing

  2. Let’s try another problem: You are one of five people in a locked room with a concrete floor. There is a steel tube embedded in the floor. A ping-pong ball is inside the tube. Get the ball out of the tube in the most efficient manner. Drawing You have:
    • a chisel
    • a box of cornflakes
    • a hammer
    • a file
    • a wire coat hanger
    • a light bulb
    • 100ft of clothesline
  3. Team brainstorming:

Activity 4: Morphological analysis

Now let’s think about how your solution can be realized through a product. Practice the following using your problems

  1. Identify all functions of your solution
  2. Make each function a row in a matrix
  3. Identify all possible means to realize each function, and list in columns
  4. Create solutions by combining different means and drawing the concept

Activity 5: Optimal design and optimal control

Activity 6: Critical thinking

  1. Design a cola can
  2. Find the curve of fastest descent (see Brachistochrone curve and its derivation)
  3. Design a bridge (see TopOpt)
  4. Four-bar linkage design (see MotionGen)
  5. Optimal design + control (see ecoRacer game)