
Student Projects
* Projects 2017

Lecture Notes
* Intellectual Property
* Interest
* Microeconomics and Profit Model
* Origami and Soft Robotics
* Additive Manufacturing
* Analytical Design and Homework 3
* Preference learning and Homework 2
* Design methodology overview
* IoT Activities and Homework 1

Project Guidelines
* Final Presentation (Apr. 25th)
* Business Plan (May 7th)
* Design Embodiment Presentation (Mar. 28th)
* Initialize the Project
* Preliminary Report (Feb. 2nd)
* Progress Report (Mar. 28th)
* Design Concept Presentation (Feb. 2nd)

Design Competitions
* Design Competition 2 Results
* Design Competition 2
* Design Competition 1 Results
* Design Competition 1

* Analytics - Topology Optimization in MATLAB
* Marketing - Qualtrics and Discrete Choice Analysis Tutorial
* IoT - Altitude and Pressure Sensor Hookup Guide
* IoT - Temperature and Humidity Sensor Hookup Guide
* IoT - Sound Detector Hookup Guide
* IoT - Soil Moisture Sensor Hookup Guide
* IoT - Softpot Membrane Potentiometer Hookup Guide
* IoT - Piezoelectric Sensor Hookup Guide
* IoT - PIR Motion Sensor Hookup Guide
* IoT - Force Sensitive Resistor Hookup Guide
* IoT - Flex Sensor Hookup Guide
* Analytics - ANSYS DOE and Design Optimization Tutorial
* IoT - Hookup Guide for ESP8266 Thing and Blynk